Povolání: Kleinbauer in Bohuslavice
Land Register No. 41, pages 716-723:
On Jan. 10, 1799 Frantiąek Mejsnar handed over the house to Matej ©váb, together with a garden in the size of 128 ctverecní sáh. The house had the worth of 70 zlatý. The new owner had to breed a cattle (for 2 years) pertaining to his brother Jan. The price also included: 1 table at a room, oven, tub, 3 pitchforks, bread-shovel, axe, hoe, spade, cutter, flour-box, cow. Matej ©váb had to take care of the previous owner and his wife. If the brother Jan stayed without a house after their death, then Matej ©váb had to provide him with a room and a half of the orchard.
Manľel(ka): Dorota Hůlková (Oddáni 3-Únor-1799)
Trauungsmatrikel Nr. 8-5, Katholische Pfarre Bohuslavice (1784-1841)
Seite: 21
Datum der Trauung: 3. Februar 1799
Trauungsort: Bohuslavice, Haus Nr. 115
Bräutigam: Matej ©váb, Katholik, 24 Jahre, unverheiratet, Sohn des
gestorbenen Jakub ©váb, Challupners zu Bohuslavice, Haus Nr. 115, Herrschaft Nové Mesto
Braut: Dorota, Katholikin, 21 Jahre, unverheiratet, eheliche Tochter des
Jirí Hulka, Bauers zu Bohuslavice, Haus Nr. 83 und der Mutter Anna
Zeugen: Jan Duąka, Richter und Bauer zu Bohuslavice
Václav Zdarek, Richter und Bauer zu Bohuslavice
Priester: Lucian Matena
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